We are calling followers of Jesus one at a time.


Our Goal is to reach out to our community in the Downtown St. Helens area. We want to love others just like Jesus Christ loves them. We want to accept people where they are and let God Change them from the inside out into who He wants them to be.


  • That the Bible is the inspired word of God.

  • That God Created the heavens and the earth.

  • That Jesus is God’s one and only son, sent to live a perfect life on Earth so he could die in our place as atonement for our sins.

  • That Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, defeating death and now sits at the right hand of God in Heaven.

  • That Jesus is the only way to heaven.

  • That the Holy spirit is part of the Trinity along with God the Father, and God the Son. Also, He lives in the hearts every believer and guides us in our daily lives.

For more information on what we believe, download our statement of Faith here.